Albert Bierstadt
Albert Bierstadt's Oil Paintings
Albert Bierstadt Museum
Jan 8, 1830 - Feb 18, 1902. German-American painter.

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Michelangelo Buonarroti
The Deluge

ID: 52436

Michelangelo Buonarroti The Deluge
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Michelangelo Buonarroti The Deluge

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Michelangelo Buonarroti

b Caprese 1475 d Rome 1564 Born: March 6, 1475 Caprese, Italy Died: February 18, 1564 Rome, Italy Italian artist Michelangelo was one of the greatest sculptors of the Italian Renaissance and one of its greatest painters and architects. Early life Michelangelo Buonarroti was born on March 6, 1475, in Caprese, Italy, a village where his father, Lodovico Buonarroti, was briefly serving as a Florentine government agent. The family moved back to Florence before Michelangelo was one month old. Michelangelo's mother died when he was six. From his childhood Michelangelo was drawn to the arts, but his father considered this pursuit below the family's social status and tried to discourage him. However, Michelangelo prevailed and was apprenticed (worked to learn a trade) at the age of thirteen to Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449?C1494), the most fashionable painter in Florence at the time. After a year Michelangelo's apprenticeship was broken off. The boy was given access to the collection of ancient Roman sculpture of the ruler of Florence, Lorenzo de' Medici (1449?C1492). He dined with the family and was looked after by the retired sculptor who was in charge of the collection. This arrangement was quite unusual at the time. Early works Michelangelo's earliest sculpture, the Battle of the Centaurs (mythological creatures that are part man and part horse), a stone work created when he was about seventeen, is regarded as remarkable for the simple, solid forms and squarish proportions of the figures, which add intensity to their violent interaction. Soon after Lorenzo died in 1492, the Medici family fell from power and Michelangelo fled to Bologna. In 1494 he carved three saints for the church of San Domenico. They show dense forms, in contrast to the linear forms which were then dominant in sculpture. Rome After returning to Florence briefly, Michelangelo moved to Rome. There he carved a Bacchus for a banker's garden of ancient sculpture. This is Michelangelo's earliest surviving large-scale work, and his only sculpture meant to be viewed from all sides. In 1498 the same banker commissioned Michelangelo to carve the Piet?? now in St. Peter's. The term piet?? refers to a type of image in which Mary supports the dead Christ across her knees. Larger than life size, the Piet?? contains elements which contrast and reinforce each other: vertical and horizontal, cloth and skin, alive and dead, female and male. Florence On Michelangelo's return to Florence in 1501 he was recognized as the most talented sculptor of central Italy. He was commissioned to carve the David for the Florence Cathedral. Michelangelo's Battle of Cascina was commissioned in 1504; several sketches still exist. The central scene shows a group of muscular soldiers climbing from a river where they had been swimming to answer a military alarm. This fusion of life with colossal grandeur henceforth was the special quality of Michelangelo's art. From this time on, Michelangelo's work consisted mainly of very large projects that he never finished. He was unable to turn down the vast commissions of his great clients which appealed to his preference for the grand scale. Pope Julius II (1443?C1513) called Michelangelo to Rome in 1505 to design his tomb, which was to include about forty life-size statues. Michelangelo worked on the project off and on for the next forty years. Sistine Chapel In 1508 Pope Julius II commissioned Michelangelo to decorate the ceiling of the chief Vatican chapel, the Sistine. The traditional format of ceiling painting contained only single figures. Michelangelo introduced dramatic scenes and an original framing system, which was his earliest architectural design. The chief elements are twelve male and female prophets (the latter known as sibyls) and nine stories from Genesis. Michelangelo stopped for some months halfway along. When he returned to the ceiling, his style underwent a shift toward a more forceful grandeur and a richer emotional tension than in any previous work. The images of the Separation of Light and Darkness, and Ezekiel illustrate this greater freedom and mobility. After the ceiling was completed in 1512, Michelangelo returned to the tomb of Julius and carved a Moses and two Slaves. His models were the same physical types he used for the prophets and their attendants in the Sistine ceiling. Julius's death in 1513 halted the work on his tomb. Pope Leo X, son of Lorenzo de' Medici, proposed a marble facade for the family parish church of San Lorenzo in Florence to be decorated with statues by Michelangelo. After four years of quarrying and designing the project was canceled. Medici Chapel In 1520 Michelangelo was commissioned to execute the Medici Chapel for two young Medici dukes. It contains two tombs, each with an image of the deceased and two allegorical (symbolic) figures: Day and Night on one tomb, and Morning and Evening on the other. A library, the Biblioteca Laurenziana, was built at the same time on the opposite side of San Lorenzo to house Pope Leo X's books. The entrance hall and staircase are some of Michelangelo's most astonishing architecture, with recessed columns resting on scroll brackets set halfway up the wall and corners stretched open rather than sealed. Poetry Michelangelo wrote many poems in the 1530s and 1540s. Approximately three hundred survive. The earlier poems are on the theme of Neoplatonic love (belief that the soul comes from a single undivided source to which it can unite again) and are full of logical contradictions and intricate images. The later poems are Christian. Their mood is penitent (being sorrow and regretful); and they are written in a simple, direct style. Last Judgment In 1534 Michelangelo left Florence for the last time, settling in Rome. The next ten years were mainly given over to painting for Pope Paul III (1468?C1549).   Related Paintings of Michelangelo Buonarroti :. | Entombment | The Cumaean Sibyl | Holy Family | St Proculus | The Conversion of Saul |
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Tidemand kom vid 17 års ålder till Köpenhamns konstakademi, studerade där i fem år, tänkte sedan utbilda sig till historiemålare i Munchen, men valde i stället på en kamrats råd Dusseldorf till studieort och reste dit 1837. Han blev elev av Theodor Hildebrandt, men tog tidigare intryck av Carl Friedrich Lessings relativt realistiska historiemåleri. Hans första större målning behandlade ett svenskt ämne, Gustaf Vasa talar till dalkarlarna vid Mora (1841). Målningen inköptes av Rhens och Westfalens konstförening samt förskaffade Tidemand ett resestipendium från Norge och beställning på en altartavla till Vor Freisers kirke i Kristiania. Han reste sedan till Munchen och Italien, återvände till Norge på ett kort besök sommaren 1842, gjorde en studieresa i fjälltrakterna för att samla material till en påtänkt fosterländsk historiemålning, men kom nu till klarhet över sitt mål. Han ville, som han själv yttrat, skildra detta kraftiga naturfolks karaktär seder och vanor. Hans första tavla i detta syfte var Sagoberätterskan 1844, inköptes av drottning Josefina och förskaffade konstnären medlemskap av svenska konstakademien. Efter nya studieresor i Norge målade han Söndagskväll i Hardanger köptes av Oscar I, på slottet i Kristiania och Gudstjänst i en landskyrka. Han bosatte sig 1845 på allvar i Dusseldorf och vann snart ett namn genom de norska bondelivsbilderna. Samma år målade Tidemand i samarbete med Hans Fredrik Gude den romantiska Brudefärden i Hardanger. Revolutionsoroligheterna hade vid denna tid drivit de norske konstnärerna hem till Norge, och det såg ut, som skulle konsten nu bli rotfäst i hemlandet. Impulsen till en nationell konst gavs, men då lugn åter inträdde, återvände konstnärerna till utlandet. Under de närmaste åren målade Tidemand för det av Oscar I uppförda lilla lustslottet Oskarshal, som pryddes av uteslutande norska konstverk, serien Norskt bondeliv. Hans sista arbete var förstudier till en aldrig utförd historiemålning, Kristian IV grundlägger Kristiania, beställd av Oscar II. Tidemand skapade även tre altartavlor. I samarbete med Gude målade han Afton på Kröderen (1849), Ljustring (1850), Likfärd på Sognefjorden (1853), Fiskare i fara (1859), med Sophus Jacobsen Lappar på renjakt (1873) och med Morten M??ller Sinclairs landstigning i Romsdalen (1875). Han blev av sin samtid hyllad som Norges främsta representativa konstnär. Hans betydelse ligger i att han i sin konst gav uttryck åt det nationella uppvaknandet i sitt hemland. På samma gång föreställde han det norska folket för den stora allmänheten i utlandet. I Tyskland betraktades han som en av de främsta representanter i samtidens konst. Han fick många utmärkelser såväl i Tyskland som i Paris och i England, och hans arbeten såldes till höga pris. Sina mest omtyckta målningar upprepade han med tillhjälp av flera medhjälpare gång på gång, några i ända till 12 exemplar. Många av hans arbeten är återgivna i kopparstick och litografi. L. Dietrichson utgav Adolph Tidemand, hans liv og hans værker (2 delar, 1878-79).
Sir Francis Drake
1540-1596,English admiral, the most renowned seaman of the Elizabethan Age. Brought up by his wealthy Hawkins relatives (see John Hawkins) in Plymouth, Drake went to sea at about age 18. He gained a reputation as an outstanding navigator and became wealthy by raiding and plundering Spanish colonies. In 1577 he set sail with five ships, but ultimately only his flagship, the Golden Hind, made its way through the Strait of Magellan into the Pacific and up the coast of South and North America. He sailed at least as far north as what is now San Francisco, claiming the area for Elizabeth, and continued westward to the Philippines and around the Cape of Good Hope. Having circumnavigated the globe, he returned to Plymouth, Eng., in 1580 laden with treasure, the first captain ever to sail his own ship around the world. In 1581 he was knighted. Appointed vice admiral (1588), he destroyed ships and supplies destined for the Spanish Armada and delayed the Spanish attack for a year. But he is not known to have played any part in the battle that eventually occurred. In his lifetime, his reputation at home was equivocal, yet his legend grew. On his last voyage he succumbed to fever and was buried at sea.
Jules Elie Delaunay
Nantes 1828 - Paris 1891. French Neoclassical Painter. Studied under Hippolyte Flandrin. French Neoclassical Painter. Studied under Hippolyte Flandrin. French painter. He entered the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris on 7 April 1848, where he was a pupil of Joachim Sotta (1810-77), Hippolyte Flandrin and Louis Lamothe (1822-69). He became a disciple of Flandrin, and, though making his debut in the Salon in 1853 with the Saltworkers of Guerande (Nantes, Mus. B.-A.), he soon concentrated on history painting. In 1856 he won the Prix de Rome with the Return of the Young Tobias (Paris, Ecole N. Sup. B.-A.) and left Paris to study at the Academie de France in Rome. His work is imbued with a deep religious sentiment cast in the restrained, controlled style and formal repertoire of Neo-classicism. From early in his career he produced many easel and wall paintings on religious subjects, such as Jesus Healing the Lepers (1850; Le Croisic,). In 1854 he received a commission to produce four fresco decorations for the church of the monastery of the Visitation-Ste-Marie in Nantes, which he completed the following year. In 1865 he returned to the monastery to decorate the chapel of St-Francois de Sales with scenes from that saint's life.

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